Sorry I have not posted in awhile, I am in a funk. We are going to have to move but we do not know where. I doing my best to have faith the God has a plan and that we will be okay but I think it is a daily if not hourly reminder that I am not in control.
I would love prayer for direction, thank you.
So I have been kind of busy figuring out what we are doing. :)
On a happier note:
We were able to go to Disneyland with Eric's brother's family.
Hobie is almost 6 and Zoe and Kira are two days apart.
I will pray for you, Keilah. Are you still hoping to move to NZ?
Thank you. At some point, yes but we have to pay off our debt. With a 40% drop in my income at the restaurant it is a bit difficult to get ahead, we are trying to keep our heads above water at this point. :)
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