My adventure of life with my husband, two kids and our process of becoming debt-free in order to move to New Zealand. I am crafty, thrifty and sassy.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 26
I worked at the restaurant tonight and had a blast. I am a little tired but feel pretty good considering it was not too busy. But I had fun seeing people and getting looks like, didn't you move? what are you doing here? That is always fun.
Tomorrow morning we are having family over and having a pancake breakfast. I love breakfast, I mean who doesn't love a good pancake. It was free pancake day at IHOP on Tuesday. People like pancakes and I am one of them.
Spending: $40 for babysitting but more of a necessity but my tips will cover that easily.
Blueberries, Dried Mango and Rice Crackers
El Pollo Loco BRC Burritoes GF Style*
Tomatoes and Avocado
Leftover Noodles-Kids
Cesear Salad at work- family meal-me
Stirfry leftovers- as late night snack-me
* Uncle Matt treated El Pollo Loco. We ate off the $1 menu and it was a deal
I ordered the BRC Burrito/Bean, Rice and Cheese. But I asked for no cheese and no flour tortilla and corn instead. They put it in the side cup and give you two corn tortillas all for a $1. It takes awhile to explain what I want but they do it for me everytime I have asked. Sweet as deal!
It does not hurt to ask for them to do it what is the worst thing they do, say no.
Signing of with throbbing feet good night.
Day 25- 28 Days of Nothing
Spending: Nothing
Smoothies and rice bread toast
Clementines, Dates Popcorn and Almonds
GF pizza w/o cheese, Rice noodles with Marinara and salads
Leftover Pasta-kids
Salad and Baked Potatoes
It was a full day but so much fun
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 24
Best news of the day....I got a serger! My dearest friend has a serger and I asked if she was selling it and if so how much. My sweet, sweet girl told me that I could have it on two conditions: First if she needed something made I would make it. Check. Secondly, if she ever decided to get back into sewing and wanted it back we would go halves on a new one for her or something to that effect. Check.
Sweet as!! I have a serger and I can now make professional products and get my Etsy store going!!! Sorry for all of the exclamation marks but if you can't tell I am ecxited!!! What an answer to prayer and a confirmation to do what I have wanted to do from my home and bring in more income. Thank you Lord Jesus.
So stoked.
Spending: Nada
Fruit smoothies and rice bread toast for the kiddos with cocnut oil on them instead of butter
Big Raisins-Dates
2 bananas and rice crackers-Kira
Tomatoes, pine nuts and rice crackers-Enzo
I kept asking the kids throughout the day if they wanted a snack or fruit or if they were hungry and they always replied nope, not hungry. So I figured the grow spurt is gone and they are back to eating normal.
1/2 Avocado each
Rice noodles with Marinara sauce
They had baths and were in bed and out by 7:00. It was a full day and it will be another full day tomorrow, can't wait
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day 23
It is always nice to be at my second home. We are having a play date with friends tomorrow rain or shine.
So you are wondering Wal Mart huh? How did she survive Wal Mart? Well with flying colors. My relatives came to visit and they did not bring enough luggage. So I went to Wal Mart and pick up some "luggage" wink, wink. I only spent $7.37. I went in with blinder on and was focused to get to where I needed to go and get out! It was so hard at first because we walked right by the toy section and I thought for sure the kids would want something and ask. Nope, not even a sigh. They were great. I definitely love roaming around Wal Mart or Traget and just see what is new and what I could possibly want, because if I needed it it would be on the list, right? Anyways, I was good and went in and out.
This was a harder month than I thought it would be. I have really struggled with buying stuff. Especially when our tax return came in. I am going to admit and show my humanness. I went to the fabric store and bought fabric. Everything was 50% off and that is why I am going to justify it. I sat there and actually applied my monthly budget to everything and it fell in place but I was feeling guilty. I bought fabric for Kira's Clothes-2 dresses, Cloth Napkins, zipper for my new dress and fabric for another wedding gift. I guess I felt like it was not essential but everything but the gift are. Kira is growing and we do not get hand-me-downs like we are blessed with Enzo. So I have decided to make her 2 playtime dresses. This girl loves dresses. Instead of buying paper napkins I have changed to cloth napkins and I love it. I just throw them in with the kitchen towels and go. I love using cloth napkins I feel like we are having a fancy dinner every night. Well, I am sorry that I did not tell you all when I did it. I guess I felt justified and I do but I felt like I let you down.
Okay enough with that, let's talk menu.
Spending: $7.37 at Wal Mart
I actually drank 1/2 cup of coffee because I was so tired but it did not taste good so I did not finish it.
We grazed and ate every hour or two the whole train ride on
Banana Chips-treat
Tortilla Chips
Kids were not hungry
Kira ate a banana
I had Nutty Veggies and Rice
Snacked on crannberries and banana chips while writing this.
I am exhausted and I am going to bed, Goodnight
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 22
Spending: Planning on $10 at the treats at the store.
Fruit Smoothies
Ants on a boat
Banana sliced long ways with sun butter and raisin
Kids loved it
More smoothie and oranges and bananas
Popcorn with herb salt
Salad-Kira and tomatoes-Enzo
Bean burritos and no sour cream the kids did not even ask for it Yee Haw!
Grilled veggies on the salad with baked tortilla chips so tasty
Okay I better skedaddle and finish my laundry, make my enchiladas for the boys tomorrow and pack....ahhh feeling a little overwhelmed.
We leave the house at 5:45-6:00 and I already put the kids in their comfy clothes to sleep in and we will be out like trout in the morning.
I will post from San Clemente for the rest of the month.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
BBQ Sauce
BBQ Sauce
1 c onion chopped finely
4 cloves of garlic minced/pressed
12 oz. tomato paste
1 1/2 c apple juice
2T Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 c Brown sugar
2T Honey
1T Soy sauce
2 T olive oil
In a large saute pan add oil. Add garlic and onions to hot oil. Cook until transparent. Add tomato paste stirring well. Add the rest of the ingredients making sure to mix well. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 20-30 minutes until desired thickness.
Add any spice you want for heat, cayenne pepper, jalapeno etc.
Day 21
Today we went to church at the 9 am service and it was really good. He was talking about how John was told to eat the scroll in Revelation chapter 10.
Rev 10:1011 Then I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter. And he said to me, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.
Now Byran was saying that John probably did not literally take a fork and knife to the scroll and begin eating it. But if you think about how His word, the bible is our daily bread it makes more sense that he was mentally digesting if that makes sense.
Bryan's three points to it were this:
1. Sweetness in the Mouth
When we read the scriptures it is sweet to our soul.
How refreshed do we feel when we have been in His word before the day starts. It is like we are ahead of everyone else and prepared for the day. John Piper said something to the effect that, We love scriptures because we love our eyes. We love to see God's beauty. How true is that we love living in beautiful places, love beautiful things. God's Word is beautiful and sweet.
2. Bitterness in the Stomach
Yes, God blesses us but disobedience hurts the relationship.
When we sin we put distance between our relationship. I sometimes think sin is like eating junk food. It tastes so good and you know you shouldn't eat. But you eat it anyway and then it tastes so good you just keep eating until you look at the empty box of chocolate donuts and think to yourself, did I just do that? Then about twenty minutes later when you stomach catches up with your mouth you think to yourself what was I thinking I feel awful. *Okay so maybe I did not eat all of the donuts in one sitting but I did eat most of them and I was sick as a dog for two hours.
That is how sin is. We think, oh we can do that it isn't a major sin, like looking at a Victoria Secret magazine for guys or wanting a house, car or clothes for us girls. But what happens? The guy ends up dwelling on the photos and then might move to another type of magazine or searches out certain websites. Or for us girls we like someone's house, car or clothes and we get dissatisfied. We start grumbling and mumbling and are not thankful for what we have. This is covetousness and it is a sin. We may start our innocently but end up in a real debacle. We feel sick to our stomach.
I remember the week before I came back to the Lord. I was in an awful state. I was literally sick to my stomach over the choices I had made for the last eight years. They started out not so bad and over the years I did not even recognized who was staring at me in the mirror. God's redemption is amazing and I know I am white a snow now. But I have to be careful not to slip into the same pattern as before.
Joel 2:25 "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten
Thank God for this promise!
3.Commission to Proclaim its Message
Where is your joy? Why are we not excited about sharing the Gospel?
Why are are we not sharing? I ask myself that a lot. I really try to get know people and get involved in their lives and try to share the gospel and use words if necessary. But I know there are times to evangelize. I just hope that I step up to the plate when they arise.
What are you doing to share your faith?
Spending: Zero
Fruit Smoothies
Big raisins-dates
regular raisins
Sun butter roll-ups
big raisins
banana-Kira and tomatoes-Enzo
Rice Noodles and tomato sauce
I am excited we are going down to OC on Tuesday on the train. It will be so much fun to see everyone. I am working Friday and Saturday at the restaurant and I know I am going to love every minute. Tomorrow I am cleaning, doing laundry, packing and prepping some meals for Eric. Busy, Busy!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Day 20
I did start sewing this awesome picnic blanket for my friend's wedding gift. I had got discounted vinyl tablecloth with a fabric backing that has a pink background with small brown polka dots all over. That will be the side touching the grass. Then for the top, it is a brown background with large geometric flowers in pink, yellow and turquoise and such. All of their favorite colors. It was a little hard because of the stickiness of the fabric. But I think it will turn out good. I am going to fix one seam and straighten it out more tomorrow. I love making people gifts so much more than just buying it. Mainly, because it is more personal and one of a kind and secondly because it cheaper. When I am finished I will post pictures.
Spending: nothing
Baked Potatoes and Salad
We grazed all day on fruit and everyone was really good.
I was so thankful, I talked to Eric about going more vegetarian eating and he was totally on board. I told him I would still buy his lunch items but everything else would be vegetarian and the occasion Tuesday night with meat for the neighbors meal. He was so sweet and told me whatever we need to do for the kids diet to do. He has done a vegetarian diet before. This way I will be able to keep our grocery bill down by not having to buy both types of food. I'll be meal planning and figuring out how what I need to buy and list it all. I am nerdy list maker and number cruncher, so that should be fun.
Tonight, Eric is with a good friend and I am watching t.v. and being Miss Blogs-a-lot ;) Enjoy your Sunday.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Day 19
The neighbors took the kids again today for about an hour while I cooked dinner. I had such a quiet, peaceful hour. Love those guys.
Spending: Nothing
I am determined to find a way to make my budget work with eating more of a vegetarian diet. I searched all of these blogs on being a frugal vegetarian or frugal gluten free. Not! The frugal Gluten free was a site that made meals for under $20. Um? I need a meal for four under $7, not $20 a meal. For that my monthly grocery budget for just dinner would be $600. So I am on a mission in order to make this work and get us back on track.
I used half the juice I normally and add four oranges from my neighbor tree(I have permission).
bananas and nuts
Veggie Faces,
Soup with no tortillas and they gobbled it up.
raisins and nuts
Rice Noodles with tomato sauce. I used some canned tomatoes with fresh tomatoes and add about a cup of the tomato soup from the other night. So yummy
Veggie Faces
I did this yesterday and they were so excited to eat their veggies, I had to do it again.
Kira wanted a princess and Enzo wanted a raccoon.
For the Princess: I made cucumber slices for eyes with olives on top
mushroom slice for a nose half grape tomatoes for lips and carrot sticks for hair.
For the Raccoon: Cucumber slices for eyes and olives on top with mushroom slices all around for a mask. Hummus for the nose. Half grape tomatoes for a mouth.
Day 18-28 Days of Nothing
Kids are feeling good and noses are running from detoxing from dairy. Kira is having better BM's and Enzo is happier. We are grazing more throughout the day and I think his blood sugar levels are staying more even. We are eating every two hours and I think we will have to continue with that to make him stay happy.
I am having to reevaluate of food situation and be prepared for eating this way. I know I feel so much better eating this way and it is easier. We have a smoothie or fresh fruit for breakfast. Snack on fruit throughout the day. Have a large plate of veggies and hummus for lunch a little bit of cooked veggies. Snack more on fruit between mealtime. For dinner we have been doing salad and baked potatoes or cooked veggies too. I love that the kids like the same thing over and over and it makes it easier to plan food.
I am trying to give them two options for snacks, clementines or bananas.
I found out our neighbors orange tree no one is picking it. I picked about ten yesterday and there are about thirty to forty more waiting to be picked. I am going to get a ladder and pick them today. I cut off the peel and put in the fridge. I figure if I have a too many I will blend and freeze it like oj. What a cheaper way to add to our smoothies.
Spending: Trader Joe's $39.01 Fruit and veggies
That brings our total grocery spending to $293.60
Well I am over by about $114. That is a lot and I am bummed but like I said we were not planning on having dietary issues. So there you go unexpected expenses, to funny.
Hopefully next month I can be more exact on my budgeting. I think we might have to up the grocery allowance but in the long run we won't be paying for health bills because we are healthy for our diet/eating lifestyle.
** I have changed my monthly allowance for food to $400, it is more realistic and everything I had read says so. updated 3/1/10**
Fruit Smoothie and I have been using less than normal on the fruit and adding ice to make it go a little farther.
Clementines and Bananas
Veggie Faces with hummus
Tomato soup and two corn tortillas each kid
nuts and bananas
Salad and Baked Potatoes with Broccoli.
Red Bell Pepper sauce and Hummus on potatoes instead of sour cream
I actually have lost a little weight. I was not meaning to but it is always a nice bonus. I miss my coffee, more for the ritual of it, smell, taste and warmth. Not so much having any caffeine withdrawals but missing the ritual.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Day 17
Spending: $22.53 Fruit and veggies, I needed to buy more because of the diet change for Kira. She is feeling so much better after only two days.
Fruit smoothie and almonds
veggies and homemade hummus
clementines and bananas
Veggies and hummus
Homemade Tomato soup and a couple corn tortillas
I feel so good today, I am still a like tired but I have not had any coffee withdrawals so that is good.
And the Winner Is?????
Tenery said...
PJ's for Sadie please. how do i get in your drawing.
February 16, 2010 6:26 AM
True Random Number Service
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-02-18 17:03:01 UTC
I will be contacting you and find out what cutie patutie pj's you want for Sadie Girl.
Congrats and and thanks for entering.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Day 16
Spending: $20 for the haircut that I have been waiting for, yeah. I will post pics tomorrow.
Yellow and white eggs and tortillas
BBQ Chicken, potato salad and bread for the guys.
So Kira was complaining her tummy hurt this morning. I don't get it, she eats really good but is still having problems with her BM's. So Eric and I agreed to take her off Casein for a longer period to see how her skin clears up and her BM's start working. So today we did mainly veggies and fruit except for dinner. I made the bbq sauce from scratch and the kids loved it because it was not spicy. She started to feel better after a couple hours but we are going to continue for at least two weeks of 75% fruit and veggies.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Day 15- 28 Days of Nothing
Spending: Nada
Turkey Roll-ups
Apple slices
Almonds and bananas
Stir Fry with Square Chicken and rice
Day 14
Spending: $1.55 coffee
Snack: at church
Leftover Pizza
Sun butter roll-ups
apple slices (kids)
Scrambled eggs (ED)
I just grazed on all the leftovers
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Giveaway!!! Free Stuff!!
Love you all :)
Day 13 Not Really Nothing
We splurged but time. We could have eaten out for three times as much but I bought all the fixings for a dinner at home instead. I felt a little guilty but we never go out on dates, so I am working on getting over it.
Spending:$50, I know it was a lot but if you figure we were to have a real babysitter come for 2 1/2 hours at $9 a hour that comes out to $22.50 then we would have had only $27.50 left for Denny's. So I did splurge but I am glad we did for the time that we had.
Fruit salad-my friend brought
green salad and baked potatoes
nibbled on pizza
GF Pizza for the kids
Shallot Crusted Steak with Blue Cheese butter and Mushrooms
New Potatoes with fresh herbs
made with butter, butter and more butter.
As we ate, I asked Eric if it was good and he said it was better than the restaurant that I used to work at....because it was made with love. Ahhhh! So sweet.
I asked if his steak was cooked right and he said perfect, with a big sigh of relief I told him it was the first steak I have ever cook. I have cooked slices of meat but never a steak so I was happy.
It was yummy and intimate. I picked up the kids and they had a blast too.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Day 12 -28 Days of Nothing
Tonight we watched the Olympics opening ceremony. I really hate it when they say it is starting at 7:30 and it did not start until almost 9:00. I stayed up until 11:30 and I am going to pay for it tomorrow. Oh well it was pretty cool to see all of the natives and their dances. However, very sad about the luge accident. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
Spending: Nada
Bananas and Cereal
Bananas and Apples
Sun butter roll-ups and apple slices
Kira ate 7!! I think she is getting ready to grow.
Cashews at the neighbors
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Day 11
Spending: nothing
Raisins and almonds
Turkey Roll-ups with apple and chips
They did not want one
Just wanted some water after the park
Poor Man's Meal for Eric, Enzo and I
Baked potato for Kira
I made generic fruity pebble marshmallow treat for Eric and I.
Like a Rice Krispie but GF. Because even though Rice Krispies are made of RICE they have malt super duper lame. So you can make them from Rice Chex smashed or Fruity Pebbles and it is super sweet. Oh my goodness, I think my teeth hurt it is so sweet, not really but you get the point.
Must go and eat my third or fourth one today, okay who am I kidding it is more like my fifth ;)
I am starting my P90X on Monday so don't get flustered. Let me binge and I will straighten right up:)
200th Post Giveaway!!!
Anyways, I decided to have a little giveaway of my own. I thought I would give a couple of different options. So you get your pick of prizes.
I have
set of four coasters,
one crayon roll up,

or a set of four napkins.
I have quite a bit of different fabric to make them with.
The giveaway will end Monday at 11:59pm Pacific standard time.
I will ship internationally if needed.
To get an entry:
1.) Leave a comment:
What you would like to see more of or if you would like to see something different?
2.)Write a post about it and leave a comment that you did.
3.)Become a follower and subscribe and leave a comment that you did.
For each you get an entry. I will use a to get a winner.
I am excited and you should be too!
Good Luck
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Day 10
Eric got home right at five tonight, it is so nice. I made dinner for them and left for Costco, Food 4 Less and Trader Joe's. My little piece of sanity. As I was leaving and told the kids bye and Enzo got so sad. He told me "Okay you go by yourself and I come with you". He wanted to join me so bad. It is so hard sometimes to leave that guy....But I did. Instead of "Calgon take me away" it is more like "Grocery shopping take me away" I need that time to price evaluate things, have just background noise, and meander aimlessly if I want. I did all of that and loved every one of the 120 minutes it took, I was efficient but not fast, on purpose.
I got home to the kids yelling "Momma!!!" and running toward me. I was refreshed, it was bedtime and here I am.
I shopped for groceries for the rest of the month and had some household items too
I budgeted $144 with estimate costs of everything. Went with cash in hand and no straying from the path. Stay on target! Stay on target!
Costco $73.41
Food 4 Less $49.95
Trader Joe's $11.96
Total $135.32
I spent $8.68 less than planned. I even got a couple things not on my list.
I get our sun butter and rice noodles at Traders, luckily it is right next to Food 4 Less.
$22.13 went to trash bags, detergent and draino, which I taking back because Eric just cleaned the drain. It was bad, not from me thank goodness. I love that he is willing to do that.
Leaving $113.19 for food.
Total Grocery for the month $182.06
I am not planning on buying any more groceries for the rest of the month. I even planned for my trip. The kids and I are taking the train down on Tuesday the 23rd to Orange County. I am working for someone at the restaurant Friday and Saturday. We are planning on going to Disneyland that Thursday before our annual passes expire. My Uncle Matt might join us and the kids just adore him. So in my planning for my trip I bought Eric specific food while I am gone. I going to make Enchiladas for the Guys for our Tuesday night meal even though I will be gone. I am going to make everything else for Eric ahead of time so that he won't have to think about it. But I got him two frozen pizzas. Only because it was cheap and it will be a treat for him while I am gone.
Cereal and Vanilla soymilk
Snack: Fruit Smoothies
I forgot I had everything to make them.
Turkey Roll-ups and the rest of the smoothies
Arroz Con Pollo Leftover for me
Yellow and white eggs and tortillas
Yellow and white is our name for poached eggs. Kira came up with it and it stuck.
There is the day. And as I was reading Owlhaven blog about this she stated something that stuck. She was commenting on her title of 30 days of Nothing and noticed that they were not going without nothing and far from it. But more so 30 day of less. So do not be hard on yourself if you are trying this out and feel like you are failing. It is just an exercise in control and appreciation.
I appreciate that we have money to go to the store and buy food. I am so thankful I have a roof over my head. I am thankful I know where my children are. I am thankful I know where my husband is. I am so thankful for the way God PROVIDES everything for myself and our family. We are fortunate to live where we live, drink clean water and do not have to walk miles to get it. The list can go on and on, but I must go to bed and be thankful for it and not sleeping on the floor with bugs and such.
May you be blessed by this and thank God for what you have instead of complaining what we do not have. I type that to remind myself too.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Day 9- 28 Days of Nothing
Ink Cartridge at Staples $50
Groceries $60
Total Spending so far this month $126.74 on food and household items.
I feel pretty good about that.
Tuesdays Eric has work off and it was so nice to have him home. We had a leisurely morning and as I got the kids dressed he did the dishes and started sweeping and moping the kitchen. We cleaned almost the whole house in not even a hour together.
Wow! How nice and what a great surprise. I finished my dress and Eric cleaned and straightened the garage.
He went to the bank and grocery shopping for dinner and such.
We had a great dinner with our neighbors and kids are asleep. I am heading off to bed soon too. What a great day with the family and friends.
Our neighbors even offered to watch the kids for a couple hours every once in sweet.
Cereal with Vanilla soymilk, the store was all out of regular so I got vanilla and it was really good!!
Square Chicken and tortillas-(square chicken is tofu)
Leftover stir fry with veggie patty broken up, it was almost like egg foo young, yum.
Arroz Con Pollo
Now I do not have permission to give out this recipe. It is a Cuban recipe from a friend. It is basically chicken, rice with tomatoes, green bell pepper and olives.
It is Eric's favorite meal and I have not made it for a while but chicken was on sale and you would all be proud I cleaned the chicken all by myself. Eric got chicken quarters and I took off the skin, fat and cut it up. All without wearing gloves. Yes, I am not a fan of raw chicken and especially touching it let alone dealing with bones.
Man, first the zipper and now major chicken deboning, this has been a good week so far of firsts.
I am watching "Some Kind Of Wonderful" in the background while blogging. Boy, do I love this movie. I think it is easily top ten favorite love story movies, actually top five. We even really thought about Watts instead of Kira's name. Love her. Especially when she gets him to "practice" kissing.
Watts: "I just think maybe, you should consider whether or not you feel you can deliver the kiss that kills"
Watts: "It's cool, I was just going to work on it with you, but if you're comfortable, great"
Keith: "Wait how do you work on it"
Watts: "Pretend I am a girl okay, pretend I am her, Amanda"
Music in the background
"The minutes that we missed
The idle lips that should've kissed
Are now gently together
The first kiss lasts forever
She loves me
She loves me
Oh and she loves me all the time"
Can't beat it!
God is So Good!!
Day 8- 28 Days of Nothing
I am finishing up a dress I made for myself today, the hem and top of the dress.
I fell asleep yesterday at 6:30 and basically slept all night until 7:00 this morning. I guess I needed it. That is why I did not post day 8 on the 8th.
Spending: $3.88
I love a good deal. I got a bag full of ripe bananas, two roma tomatoes, red bell pepper, small can of tomato paste all for $3.88. Love it.
I am going to make my own ketchup today with the tomato paste and will post the recipe.
Corn Chowder and tortillas
Veggie Stir Fry with rice
Made a new sauce for stir fry
Stir Fry Sauce
1/2 c Braggs
1/4 c Rice Wine Vinegar
2 Tb Cornstarch
2 Tb Sesame Seeds
2 Tb Sugar
Red Pepper Flakes for spice
Mix and add to veggies when they are about a minute out from being done. The cornstarch thickens it up and makes a yummy sauce. If you like your sauce sweeter then add more sugar or honey.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Day 7- 28 Days of Nothing
Today we went to early service, 9:00 and came home right after. I decided to sew a dress/shirt for me. I say that because I have not decided what length to make it. I would love to a summer type dress but I am not sure about how it will look. I am using a tutorial for a nightie. I changed it a little and used interfacing on the chest piece, so it was not see through and had more sturdiness to it. The straps I made are two inches wide. But the body I will have to line it or make a snazzy dress slip, which would be fun. I am not sure about the body of the dress, because it is not fitted. It is very sundressy and no real form. I guess I could get a big, wide, red belt and sinch it. Is that look still in style?? The fabric is an awesome white background with cherry blossoms in light pink and red spread out and about two inches big each. Super girlie and soft. Where the tutorial added rick rack I put a red gross grain ribbon and top stitched with red thread. I got the fabric as a fat quarter a year ago for $3 or $4 bucks. So that would be cool to have made a sassy $5 dress. Again I would post a picture but camera is dead. Maybe I can get a cheap one with a smidge of the tax money.....humm probably not but it was fun to dream.
Question for you all:
Should I make an ebook of recipes? My mom and sister seem to think I should write a cookbook, however who knows if anyone would even buy it. If I did I would probably make a GF version and nonGF, maybe. Would you buy it for $8-$10?
Please give me feedback either way. Thanks.
Spending: $4.99 Guar Gum for my GF recipes. I finally ran out of my Xanthan Gum that I bought over a year ago. That stuff lasts forever. However, when I went to New Frontiers(local health food store) It was $15 for Xanthan Gum or $4.99 for Guar Gum. You know my choice, but really $15 for this stuff? Not gunna do it, it wouldn't be prudent at this juncture.
Old reliable, Cold cereal
Snack: at church
Pasta for the kids
Veggie Fried Rice(me)
Top Ramen (Eric)
Raisins and Almonds
Corn Chowder
Homemade Bread, see recipe below
I was inspired by my sweet Clara, Great Depression Cooking, with making bread. She made bread with a bag of flour and a thing of yeast and water. How easy is that? SO there has to be an easy GF bread recipe, there HAS to be one. Well, I made one up and it turned out pretty tasty.
Almond Bread
2 cups raw almonds
1 cup Rice flour
1 Tb yeast
1 Tb Guar Gum
1 Tb Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Cup warm water
In my Vitamix I blended the almonds until it was crumbly flour. Don't worry about getting all of the almonds perfectly blended because the little chucks give it a great whole grain bread taste. It started to stick and I stopped the blender. Combine the almond and rice flour in the bowl of Kitchen-aid stand up mixer. Add everything but the water. Turn mixer on low and slowly add the water until thick paste/dough like. Mix on medium speed for three minute. In a greased bread pan add dough. Let rise for one hour. Preheat oven at 450. When done rising, put in the oven for about 25-30 minutes. It will brown fairly quick, you can lightly cover with foil after 15-20 minute if you want. It will be a little on the denser side but it is goooooooood! It does not need butter, but a little does taste good. Okay for all you protein people, here is a loaf of bread with 48 grams of protein. Split four ways, that is 12 grams of protein per serving. Sweet, enjoy!
My husband just called my Miss Blogs-a-lot, I better go.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Day 6 -28 Days of Nothing
I decided to make a twirly skirt for Kira. I used a tutorial. I modified it a little. Instead of three tiers I made it with two tiers but it has lining and tulle sandwiched between the lining and the outside shell. I bought this super cute cherry fabric forever ago and some lady gave me a huge bag of tulle (random). The outside shell is the cherry fabric, tulle is red and the lining is black. She loves it and is excited to wear it tomorrow to church with her red velvet jacket.
It took about four hours on and off throughout the day. I had some mistakes but I think I could easily make another one in half the time. I need to make a pattern for next time. Getting measurements and figuring out how to sew it took a lot of time. SO next time it will be quicker for sure. I think I am going to make one for me because it looks so fun and was super easy and cheap to make.
Spending: Empty Set
Breakfast: We all sat down for breakfast this morning it was so nice, usually Eric is gone by the time the kids eat.
Sun butter rollups and coffee (me)
Fruit Leather
Leftover Pasta
Nutty Noodles and Broccoli (me)
I usually do not like for them to eat cereal again but once in a while it is fun.
Bean Burritos (Kira)
Pasta (Enzo)
Baked Potatoes and Broccoli (me)
Fried Potatoes and Scrambled Eggs (Eric)
I feel so accomplished today. I did all my chores, had fun with the kids and sewed.
I love sewing but it is definitely hard with little ones. Enzo is so sweet whenever I am doing anything, he comes up to me and says "Momma, can you hold me? Just for a wittle bit." Such a sweet little voice and who can resist that. It melts me every time. But today he said that but then once he said "Can I hold you for just a wittle bit?" He wanted to hold me, love that boy.
Come to Me
I am all about you, to bless and restore.
Breathe Me with each breath.
The way just ahead of you is very steep.
Slow down and cling tightly to My hand.
I am teaching you a difficult lesson, learned only by hardship"
"Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young
Matt 11:28-30
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and my burden is light"
I am trying to get up earlier than usual in order to have time to myself. I got up at 6:00 instead of 6:30/6:45.
I had a great morning devotion and read this. What a blessing. We have both learned so much in the past year. Looking back 2009 was probably one of the hardest years emotionally, financially and spiritually but I must admit I have learned the most, clung to Him the most and stayed closer to Him than ever. So when she says "I am teaching you a difficult lesson, learned only by hardship" I get it. I have definitely learned so much from the hardship we have had. I count it all blessings and I would not trade it for anything. Have blessed Saturday.
By the way the kids just woke up, so much for time by myself, I guess I need to get up at 5:00 in order to have the time I want.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Day 5 -28 Days of Nothing
Not that it has been raining cats and dogs like a couple of weeks ago, but it has been raining on and off since last night. I am finishing laundry, I took a little break. Enzo had speech therapy at the house at 2:00 and he did so well. I do not know if it was the pep talk we had before she came or if he was really enjoying his time, but he did really well with her today. Last week we had discipline issues, but not today. Kira sorted laundry while I folded it. I find this helps her help without me having to refold everything. We made cute Valentines with heart shaped construction paper and tissue. The kids cut out the hearts. Kira did an amazing job following the line and cutting. Enzo was great at holding the scissors and following my directions of opening and closing them. I moved the paper as best I could and followed the outline. Then we took two inch squares of tissue and wrapped it around the tip of a pencil in order to make a little flower. Then with glue on the paper heart we packed it full of tissue flowers. I would put a picture, however my camera has finally died (humming "Taps"). Anyways hopefully you get the idea.
Spending: Zip
Cold Cereal
Banana and sun butter with coffee (me)
Apple slices
Bean Burrito with sour cream (Kira)
Sun Butter Roll-up (Enzo)
Leftover Baked Potato cooked up with onions
Sticky Popcorn-Whirley Pop popcorn with a little sugar and butter, named sticky because it is.
Noodles with Tomato Sauce, Salad and if I get motivated rice bread sticks.
You know who sometimes you have random cravings? I have got one now. Restaurant Bread sticks, hot out of the oven, all buttery and soft. Waiting for me to dip in
some cheesy sauce or marinara. Oh yeah! I miss those days of gluten gluttony. Ever notice how once you start eating them you can not stop until five or six sticks later.
I bet you never thought food was actually addicting. I am convinced it is. Whenever I cheat and eat gluten, I find that I can not stop and keep on eating it all day. I have found that I can not have just one bite. I HAVE to eat more. I am more and more convinced that I might have Celiac too. I say that because of the addictive behavior my body goes through when I eat gluten. I have slipped and had a bagel for breakfast and then the rest of the day I sit there and wonder what I can eat that has gluten. I crave it, I jones for it, it is my drug of choice, if I had one. But then like all addictions I hit rock bottom and have horrible stomach issues and swear off all gluten and do really good for awhile. I noticed the first year of being GF, I was a rock star and never sneaked any. But after some family issues in August, I fell off the wagon. I drank a beer! And had real bread all in one sitting! Since then I would have to admit I have had probably three or four other binges. I ALWAYS regret what I have done for the momentary pleasure of soft doughy bread, pizza, flour tortilla etc. Anyways now that I had confession, I guess I feel better.
I hope you all do not think I am some "always eat healthy girl". I am most definitely not perfect. I do try to eat as healthy as possible (90% of the time), I guess I feel like sometimes for the kids and I it is okay to have little treats because our diet is so limited. Like our sticky popcorn, we do not have it everyday, maybe once a week. I can justify it because the kids don't eat cookies, drink soda, eat McDonald's and such like so many other kids. Hopefully, I have not come off as some holier than though health nut. My intentions are only to encourage you to think about what you are eating, hopefully.
With that said, have a nice weekend.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Day 4 -28 Days of Nothing
I am in the process of switching to a paper free kitchen. This means cloth napkins, cleaning towels etc. Instead of paper towels and paper napkins which are expensive and not to mention the trash that they make. I like it better. I have cloth diapers that are leftover from the kids, that I used for basic wiping up messes. I also have quite a few red napkins that I had from past restaurant jobs that never made it back, Sorry. The kids like them better and actually have asked for them when I have handed them the paper ones. Fine by me.
So there is a little more laundry than usual and hopefully I will get it all done tonight. I have been good and putting them away as I go. This normally does not happen, I will be good and fold it all but put it in a basket and hope that it will put itself away, I guess. Then it never makes it there and ends up shuffling from the basket to the floor and back into the basket to be washed. I am trying.
Spending: $5.37 for toilet paper and dish soap. I was so excited toilet paper was half price at Albertson's.
Cold Cereal-Kira
Hot Cereal-Enzo I take boiling water and add rice flour to make "cream of rice"
Frozen Homemade Waffles and coffee (me)
Ants on a log
Grape Tomatoes
Bean Burritos and sour cream
Baked Potatoes and Salad
My neighbor has a great little garden and keeps on giving me Arugula. I love it.
I just add a little to my romaine lettuce and it makes the best salad.
I am selling the rest of my cloth diapers tonight for $45, sweet as.
I had some one call about my espresso machine but when I returned her call, she did not call back. Craigslist is sometimes annoying because people are so flaky. Oh well I should not complain, I sold one item. I also just got my Dave Ramsey Book in the mail and I am starting to read it tonight.
Also Eric is almost done with our taxes. Looks like we will get a nice return. We get an $800 credit just for having a jobs last year, really?!?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Day 3
"It is just a gentle spring zephyr" as Owl says.
Spending: $2.50
We had to go to the bank and we took the bus downtown. $1.25 each way. I used my change, so does that count? :) Of course it counts but it does not feel like it does.
Cold cereal and soy milk
Oatmeal and Coffee (me)
Snack: we missed because we were on the bus.
Bean Burritos with leftover beans from last night.
Tostadas, basically an open faced bean burrito with all the fixins from last night.(me)
Popcorn and juice
Poorman's Meal
Oh, does she remind me of my great grandma Marcie, who lived to be 103. She was amazing. She lived through the depression too. I remember watching her make biscuits and after she rolled out the dough and cut it out, she would brush the leftover flour back in the flour bag. Still many years after living through the depression, she still cooked and lived frugally. What an impression she had on me.
She was a fireball. She started drinking coffee at such a young age. She loved her coffee. When she was younger, her and her husband made an agreement. She was not going to drink coffee and my Grampy was not going to chew tobacco. As I remember it a few days went by and they did pretty good. Then one day, he came home and gave her a kiss and she smelled tobacco on his breath. She calmly got up and made a pot of coffee and drank it. He knew and they never talked about it they just continued on in their silent agreement. She drank her coffee and he chewed his tobacco.
Oh! How I love that story. I miss her dearly but will never forget all the stories and sweet memories.
So this gal who does Great Depression Cooking is a little like her with her stories and such. I hope you enjoy her video.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Day 2 of 28 Days
Cold Cereal
Coffee and Sun butter tortilla roll ups (for me)
Ants on a log
Sun Butter Roll ups with apple slices
Leftovers from last night (for me and Eric)
Potato Taquitos w/ Rice and Beans
Potato Taquitos
3 potatoes
Corn tortillas
Canola Oil
Peel potatoes and cube up into a pot. Cover potatoes with water and bring to a boil. Cook for about 10 minutes until potatoes start crumbling. Drain and mash with a fork add a dash salt and pepper. Warm your corn tortillas on the skillet or in the microwave so that it does not break when you roll it. I used a little less than 1/4 cup of potato for each roll up and made 21 taquitos. I rolled all of my tacos first and used a toothpick to keep them rolled. In my cast iron skillet heat oil over medium/high. When the oil is hot place the taquitos in the pan. Brown and turn and place on a paper towel when brown all around, about five minutes.
Refried Beans
2 1/2 cups of dry pinto beans (about 1 lb or 450gm)
3 quarts of water
1/2 cup chopped onion (optional)
1-2 Tbsp Lard**
Salt to taste
** Lard?!?! I know I am totally off the wagon but it makes them taste so good so we are not talking about it right now :)
Rinse the beans in water and remove any small stones, pieces of dirt, or bad beans.
I like to do the overnight soak method of putting the beans in a stockpot and covering with 6-8 cups of cold water, cover overnight.
Or you can
Quick soak like I happened to do today.
Bring 6-8 to almost boil in a kettle and add it to the stockpot with rinsed beans. Bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes. Turn off heat and cover for a hour. Drain.
Either way soak before :)
Cooking the Beans
Again bring 6-8 cups of water almost to boil in your kettle add to stockpot with drained, soaked beans. Bring to a nice simmer for about 2 hours with the lid slightly open. After two hours I turn off the heat and let them sit for a while. Depending on how much water is left I may strain some out. When it is closer to diner time I mash them. In a saute pan I cook up the onions. Add onions and lard/oil and salt to the beans. Over low to medium heat
I mash and stir until desired thickness is achieved.
2 cups cooked rice
1/4 onion finely chopped
1 cup diced tomatoes**
Braggs Amino Acid
1/2 tsp Cumin
1/2 tsp Garlic
Salt and Pepper
**I buy the 108oz tin of diced tomatoes from Costco for $2.99 compared to the eight pack of 14oz can diced tomatoes for $6 something. I get the Ziploc quart size freezer bags and measure out about 2 cups worth into each bag and freeze. Oh yeah! It comes out .02 an ounce compared to .06 an ounce. That means the individual cans are three times more expensive. But wait she did not figure in the cost of the ziploc, you say. Ah ha! I have in the since that I bought the bags
and have rinsed them and used them again for the same purpose. Sweet!
In a large skillet saute onions with a dash of salt and pepper. Add tomatoes when onions are translucent. Add rice and mix well. Drizzle Braggs over rice, not too much because it will make it too salty, so do a little and taste and add more needed. Add garlic and cumin. Disperse rice evenly over the skillet and cook over low until the bottom is almost browning.
Toppings for taquitos
Sour Cream
Shredded Cheese
Shredded Lettuce
Diced Tomatoes
Chopped Green Onions
Whatever you like on tacos works.
The trick is to put sour cream on top of the taquito and then dump all the other toppings on top and it will stick better.
Sunday we went to Costco and I made Eric a deal that if he fed the kids outside I would shop. Turns out I killed it there! I was done before they even finished eating, oh yeah! It helped that it 11:15 and no one was there, yes that is the time to shop there. So when I joined them Eric had a churro. Of course the kids eyes got huge looking at the tasty treat. This is how the dialogue went:
Kira: What is that Daddy?
Eric: Yummy
Kira: What is in it?
Eric: Yummy
Kira looks at me and says
"Mom can you make some yummy fings (things)?"
Of course!
So tonight we had Yummy for dessert aka cinnamon sugar tortillas
Corn tortillas
On a square griddle over medium heat, warm up tortillas. Spread butter very lightly over on side and flip it so that it is face down on griddle. Butter the other side and sprinkle a spoonful of sugar and a dash of cinnamon. If making more than 3 or 4 make a little bowl of cinnamon sugar.
On a plate make another cinnamon and sugar mixture. Once the sugar on the tortillas is almost melted take off griddle. Carefully roll up tortilla and roll it in the cinnamon sugar mixture. Serve while warm. Sticky wicky mess and it is worth the three to four napkins. Yummy is right.
We had our neighbors over tonight and had a great evening
I made four taquitos per person with beans and rice with 2-3 yummy's each.
It was a great day we went to the park with the glorious sun out and I was productive around the house with a few odds and ends. Another great day
Monday, February 1, 2010
End of Day 1 -28 Days of Nothing
Spending: I did not buy anything today.
Cold Cereal
Coffee (for me)
Ants on a log
Grape Tomatoes and Cucumber Slices.
Leftover Rice Pasta w/ tomato sauce and I added a dollop of sour cream
Almonds and Raisins
Nutty Noodles with Honey Orange Sesame Veggies and Rice
I cleaned the house completely even under the oven. That is right folks I moved the oven and swept and mopped underneath, all I can say is Yuck.
We had a good day, kids helped clean up their room. They colored most of the time. My kids love to color even Enzo. He actually does a really good job for his age. Nothing too crazy about the day. It was a good day and it felt good to clean my house thoroughly. Even though the square footage is probably the same the layout of this house is so much more efficient. It is a square and I did a quick little diagram to give you an idea. Next to the living room and kitchen is a one car garage. Anyways it is easier to clean because it is not so stretched out, if that makes sense. Well it at least it seemed easier.

Nutty Noodles and Honey Orange Veggies
Nutty Noodles with Honey Orange Veggies
1 package Trader Joe's Thai Rice Noodles
2-3 Tb Sunflower Seed Butter
Bragg's Amino Acid
2 cup Broccoli
2 carrots sliced
2 stalks celery sliced
1 bell pepper cut into one inch cubes
1 can water chestnuts sliced, drained
1/2 onion cut in one inch cubes
Honey Orange Sauce
juice from 1 orange
2 Tb Honey
1 Tb Rice Wine Vinegar
1/4 cup Bragg's Amino Acid
Sugar to taste
1 Tb Cornstarch
1Tb Sesame Seeds
Instructions for
In a pot bring 4 to 5 cups of water to boil. Add Rice noodles and cook for 6-8 minutes. I usually cook the longest suggested time. DO not over cook!
While noodles are cooking, in a wok over medium to high heat add onions and cook for about a minute. Add broccoli, carrots, celery, bell pepper cover and cook five to seven minutes until veggies tender but little crisp. Add water chestnuts and Bragg’s Amino Acid just to get it wet. Turn off heat and cover. In a small bowl add all ingredients for the sauce and mix well. I eyeball all of my sauces so sorry if my measurements are exact. With that being said, taste the sauce and add sugar until sweetness is achieved. Add to veggies and turn heat on high for about one to two minutes to allow sauce to thicken.
Drain noodles add Sunflower seed butter and mix until lightly coated and a little Bragg’s Amino Acid and about a 1/2 can of coconut milk.
Once noodles are coated serve with veggies on top or veggies on rice with noodles, mix it up try something different.
Add a little Sriracha for a little spice and enjoy!