As I wrote the title to this post my husband laughed
at me and told me that I was definitely a geek!
Here are the quilted coasters I have been working on.
I found them on Martha Stewart
at me and told me that I was definitely a geek!
I found them on Martha Stewart
This is the first thing I have ever quilted and I have to say
it was easier than I thought it would be.
Each person or family gets two towels.
So I thought for my giveaway I will give away a set of four coasters or two tea towels.
To enter to win leave a comment to this question:
What makes Christmas special to you and why?
My answer:
Being with family and friends and celebrating Christ's Birthday...
(Even though it is not really the actual date, but it is the idea of it)
I will close the giveaway at 5 p.m. Friday and I will try to post on Saturday, however we will be out of town and at a wedding, so it might be Sunday :) depending on if I can get to a computer.
Thanks again for all of your interest!
So I thought for my giveaway I will give away a set of four coasters or two tea towels.
To enter to win leave a comment to this question:
What makes Christmas special to you and why?
My answer:
Being with family and friends and celebrating Christ's Birthday...
(Even though it is not really the actual date, but it is the idea of it)
I will close the giveaway at 5 p.m. Friday and I will try to post on Saturday, however we will be out of town and at a wedding, so it might be Sunday :) depending on if I can get to a computer.
Thanks again for all of your interest!
1 – 200 of 288 Newer› Newest»I should say some Christian-y all's the look of awe in Kellen's eyes when he looks at all of the Christmas lights!
the excuse to relax all day chillin with family by the pool and watching the kids faces as they open their presents!!
Definitely family! And fortunately they all love coffee!!!
being able to spend time with family because we hardly get time to spend anytime togehter sadly =(
Christmas is special to me because:
1.brings families together.
2.I love it when I see a twinkle in the kids eyes when they get to open their gifts.
3.I love to see lots of lights on the roads and the decorated houses. It assures me that people are happy.
I love Christmas because of the look in the eyes of my children.
It is also a pretext to see all the family and to please them.
I've been meaning to make some teatowels like that!!
Why is Christmas special for me- that's easy, the cold nights cozied up at home, and time at home with all my loved ones- now even more so as we are living so far apart.
What makes Christmas special to me, is that it is one of the few times of the year that I see most/all of my mom's side of the family together, since they are somewhat spread out.
It's my favorite day of the year!!
Crystal (manhattandolls[at]
I get to see a lot of my relatives and family that i don't get to meet up with. I love the idea of famil bonding so i love christmas a lot!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My Christmas is made of watching the excitment from children's eyes.
Christmas, for me its all about family, we are spread out all over the state and Christmas is the one time we all manage to get together. Everything just seems so much more magical at Christmas.
Chrsitmas is special because I love giving gifts and seeing the faces of people when they open a handmade gift from me. Watching my grandfather look over a scrapbook (for hours!)I made for him is probably one of my fondest gift giving memories!
We love our Jesse Tree family tradition. The kids are reminded each day of Christs' birth and the reasons behind his coming.
I love your coasters! My favorite thing about Christmas is having a chance to spend time with my family. I must say I especially love the reason to make gifts for people!
SO many things! The chance to make Christ's birth a little more real to my kids, seeing their excitement, lights on all the houses.
New visitor here! Thanks for the chance to win!
My kids make Christmas special-- the wonder and awe and appreciation they have for it :)
That durring this season optimizism and hope are not mocked but encouraged.
Well, for it is to be with the family. I haven't been home for Christmas for 7 years. This year I am finally going.
Christmas - Family, the songs, the decorations and the fun. And of course the food too.
Christmas is special to me because we get to be together as a family. I love to see my kids enjoying themselves and being able to teach them what we are really celebrating.
One of the thinsg that makes it special for me is our family tree - sounds obvious, but actually, all the ornamants on it have their own story. Some were gifts, some were picked up around the world.
In fact, this year I'll be adding a Kiwi decoration from a trip to New Zealand this year!
Well, to be honest, I love to see the faces on my family members when they open up the presents i pick for them xD I like to spend ton of time picking the perfect present so i love seeing how they react when I give them away xD
Family gathering is great xD but i have the luck i get to see all the family the whole year :)
Christmas is special because it seems to be the one time of year where I get to relax and unwind and catch up with everything (and more improtantly everyone) I've not been able to throughout the year.
I love being with my family and taking time to reflect on Christ's birth and all that means to us.
Christmas changes for me each year, as our family grows. I love all of it, the baking and parties, the lights and decorations, the gifts :)
My favorite thing is being with the family by a fire with yummy things to eat! I also love going to Chrismtas Eve service!
To know the reason of Christmas, that Christ came to earth and humbled himself for me. That is what I love.
I also enjoy the sweetness of it all, family together, lights twinkling, special decorations, Christmas glasses with eggnog.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
There is just something about the smell of the Christmas tree plus the glowing lights and taking it all in while sitting in front of a nice fire in the wood stove....
I get lost it in.
It is all of the little things leading up to that very special day.The excitement of taking all of the ornaments out of the boxes and remembering each special one my children made with those darling little hands.The family sitting in front of the fire and reading our advent book every night with the lighted candle on the wreath that they all want to blow out! The joy in giving to those we know in need and how blessed we are that God has provided for us.Singing all of the Christmas carols loudly with the children while we do our chores.But mostly that we can rejoice in the fact that one special night someone above knew we needed a Savior and was so unselfish he gave Him to us!
Traditions - honoring old ones and creating new ones. That is what makes the Christmas season special to me. It is an opportunity to see friends and family that we, unfortunately, do not get to see as much as we like. Also, I find that I look forward to reflecting over the past year and looking (with hope) to the new year.
The holiday season is so special to me because of the anticipation and joy that we can find in each other, and the spirit of community that pervades the season--I just wish that spirit was the norm all over!
Very cute! Christmas is special because of extra family time and celebrating the love that God showed to us by sending His Son to save sinners.
God Bless,
Miss Emily Rose
P.S. I am having a giveaway too, if you're interested. ;)
Christmas is special to me because our Lord was born. And the celebrations we have now make it very easy to direct even the youngest children to think about Christ every day because its all so visible.
Christmas is special to me because it is a time of year when special things happen and it feels like anything is possible. I wish people had that spirit of helping others all year long.
Great giveaway!
I love spending time with my baby and husband at home.
I love that this time of year so many are open to singing songs about our Lord and sharing the love of Christ. I wish the spirit would stick around in most people all year! Christmas in July would be fabulous. :)
How talented you are my dear! I love the cute towels.
Christmas is special to me because it is a chance to celebrate Christ's birthday. It is a special time to Praise our Lord for the love and blessings He gives each of us every day, and to share the good news with others. Just like the three wise men who came to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus, we,too,can celebrate by sharing our love and kindness with others this season. Have a Merry Christmas and God Bless You! Cindy (Noni, to my precious granddaughter)
Well I think you'll like my answer...I could say something like seeing the snow fall as we open presents, but what really makes me think of Christmas is remembering Christmas back in New Zealand! Oh yes I am a Kiwi :) I married an American and live in New Hampshire now, but still have fond memories of warm Christmases, BBQ's on Christmas Day, Christmas buffets outside - grabbing a plate of food then jumping in the pool. Oh yes it was wonderful!
spending time with my 4 little ones and seeing them get so excited when we talk about the baby Jesus being born. you'd think i was having another baby!
Spending time with family and friends... but this year... I think tops on my list is that my 2 1/2 year old twins will be potty trained!!!
First I have to say... love the coasters and tea towels! Adorable... just my kind of colors. I have to say that what makes Christmas special to me is the smells of christmas and the wonderful feeling of joy and happiness that surrounds this time of year. I love the coziness and spending it with my family. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
We celebrate the Solstice at our house. We enjoy the longest night of the year and then know that from that point on, each day will bring new light and warmth!
on a spiritual level, ofcourse it is Christ's birth. On a Mamma level, it every ounce of joy my twins get out of the holiday. It starts right after Thanksgiving with them wanting to decorate.
Being with my daughter - kindest kid in the world!
I would have to say the spirit of christmas. Even though it's a stressful time for some, people seem to be jolly. :)
Being with family is what makes Christmas so special for me:)
Personally, I think we should have an entirely different day to just celebrate Christ's birth because His arrival has become lost beyond recovery in this season's commercialism and sentimentality... that being said, I do get caught up in the sentimentality of it all... trimming the tree, baking yummy smelling goodies, sipping cider and hot chocolate, sledding and skating...
Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I love the holiday season because I get to spend more time with my family. I love the traditions we've started with our kids each year too.
I love the church part and also being able to make things for people without them saying they feel bad! (Rest of the year, it's "but I don't have anything for you, because it's not a special gift-giving day!")
Awesome Giveaway!
What makes Christmas special to you and why?
My family and I are able to celebrate the birth of Christ in a laid back, yet festive mood. While my family is close, Christmas, and Advent leading up to Christmas brings my family even closer.:)
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Being with my kids, who live too far away, but come home for Christmas, is such a wonderful gift.
My favorite thing about Christmas is all of the projects that I am able to make time for that I make excuses about the rest of the year- more cooking, baking, sewing, paper-crafting, etc. I also love having an excuse to see more friends and family members.
Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway. I'm sure those coasters and tea towels will be a huge hit with their recipients!
Christmas is special because of the excitement of the kids. If we could bottle that and sell it we'd be millionaires.
You did a beautiful job on your projects. What great gifts.
Getting together with family makes it special to me.
oh, family. and giving gifts - i love giving! and the best Gift of all. and christmas goodies!
I love going to the Christmas Eve service. It is calming and seems to help me focus on the reason we celebrate.
I love the coasters and tea-towels!
The smell makes Christmas special - smell of happiness, smell of love, smell of cinnamon...
Christmas used to be a time where my family would all go out for Chinese food and see the other Jews who lived in our area. My boyfriend's birthday is on Christmas and for the past few years it's been a time to be with him and celebrate with his family.
Pretty project and great colors. I love getting the house all cozy and warm for the holidays and celebrating with friends and family. -- Michele
my family makes the holiday the best part of the year. The activities and the happiness they get from all the creativity that is inspired by it!
The biggest special thing is Christ's birthday. The special way my family celebrates with togetherness is so important to me. LOVE your work. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love being with my family and how it is a day where everyone is happy. And the pettiness and grouchiness is set aside.
I love seeing my kids faces on Christmas, it's the best
I love that moment when you've eaten far too much and you're just about to fall asleep on the couch... or is that just me? :P
I am all about family time and Christmas is great for that!
You hit the nail on the head... what more can be said? Well, maybe the homemade toffee LOL
Seeing my husband act like a kid around christmas. He honestly believe in christmas magic I think! Love the giveaway!
I love the towels and coasters! The spirit and mood around Christmas is so special to me. With or without gifts, it's just a cheery time of year!
So fun, love them... I love the fact my dad comes to visit us wherever we are. We currently live in Hungary and he will come join us, it is so special for my kiddos to have their granddad here. I also love being able to share the Jesse tree devotionals with our son who is old enough now to understand them... such a blessing
Christmas means family, memories, decorating, and Jesus' birth
My christmas is special because I am with my family and we are all healthy and well.
(I love the material you chose!!)
The season is filled with sensory overload - from the love of Christ's birth, to the smell of something baking in the kitchen, to the awe in seeing all the lights... I just love the season - and I know the reason :)
This Christmas is my first Christmas with my son, who joined our family in February of this year, so I'm definitely looking forward to spending the holidays with him!
Christmas to me is all about magic... the lights, decor, the frost and snow. And of course that anticipation for the big day, with all the food and family! What could be more fun!?
I'm not Christian but it's nice to have a day when almost no one is working. And I can't complain about the chinese food-movie tradition that we Jews love. We always run into friends we haven't seen in years.
2hippos [at] gmail
It's sitting back and watching all the kids listen to Grandpa read the Christmas story, and this is followed by the frenzy of kids opening presents.
Christ's birth is right up there and we are so blessed to have his salvation but I also love the doing of Christmas. The primping with decorations, the crafting, the baking and sharing it all with family & friends.
Love these coasters!
My favorite part of Christmas, this year more than ever, is seeing it through my daughter's eyes. Everything is far more magical this year.
Spending time with all my family together is what is most special to me, especially now that we're pretty spread out. Thanks for hosting the great giveaway.
Definitely time to be with family and to remember our Savior's birth. It is just a magical tender time.
I love all of what you have made!
Being with my kids and grandbabies!
Thanks for the giveaway...what fun! Definitely celebrating the birth of Christ, and also the more tangible time to relax and enjoy family.
The coasters are beautiful! The bast part of the holidays for me has to be how excited the kids get, it's contagious!
I love decorating the tree with ornaments from my childhood. Oh, and spending time with family :-)
Christmas - crackeling fires, slow-stress time spent with family, good food, and showing my appreciation of them.
The family meal and everyone talking at once and all the time...and seeing other family members that just show up unexpectedly...
I like all kinds of celebrating, and I especially like giving gifts. There are so many opportunities for both around Xmas! thanks for the giveaway opp!
Christmas is the time of year when we can listen to songs on the radio about Christ, and people seem to be kinder and more giving this time of year. (except on Black Friday!) Love the coasters and tea towels!
Christmas is very special to me because my firstborn was born on that special day 10 years ago this year! Having a child born on Christmas is so very special to me because we celebrate Jesus' birthday along with hers! What a perfect day!
I love being with family at Christmas. And, listening to Christmas music.
I love having to think of that special gift that makes the reciever so happy and surprised. What a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of Christ, by thinking of others and giving.
My favorite thing about Christmas is how it reminds me of my childhood. It's one of the only days of the year (maybe the only) when I do the same thing I used to do when I was a kid, with the same people (and a few additions).
Thank you for doing this giveaway!
Christmas is special to me because of the celebration of Jesus' birth and being at church that morning with family and friends is just a warm and fun time.
Christmas will be so special this year because it is my daughter's first Christmas! I'm so excited about it! :) Cute coasters and tea towels! You did a great job!
Christmas will be so special this year because it is my daughter's first Christmas! I'm so excited about it! :) Cute coasters and tea towels! You did a great job!
After I had my first child, I had a realization of what it must have meant for God to love the world enough to send his only son to us. Amazing! :0)
My mom and grandma love Christmas and I love watching their reaction to everything. I also love spending time with my extended family.
Thank you for chance at the giveaway and have a great holiday!
Being with family is for sure number one. But it is all the traditions with family that really makes it special. And also combining my family traditions with those of my husband's family.
Yes spending time with my family is the best part of Christmas - my favorite thing to do is make a Happy Birthday cake for Jesus. :)
The wonder and amazement I see in my children's eyes as they look at holiday lights, decorations, visit Santa, etc.
I've really begun to appreciate being able to use Christmas as an excuse to give to those in need. I always really enjoy doing this but it seems even more special and meaningful at Christmas.
Enjoying the day with family and remembering the Reason for the Season! Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
sharing Christmas with my kids (4 & 2) makes all this craziness worthwhile! great giveaway!
Christmas is special to me because of the time I get to spend with my family.
Oh, everything about Christmas is glorious - the food, the sweets, the lights, the music, the weather, the family. I love it all!
Oh, Christmas is special for so many reasons, but I'd have to say all of the special activities we do with the kids that we don't do the rest of the year... so festive!
Seeing my toddlers eyes light up on Christmas morning is what makes it all worth it for me! Thanks for the chance to win!
Christmas is special to me because of the feelings it tends to bring out in people. It seems people are a little more kind and will go out of their wa to make it special for others. My dd is now 3 so I am excited to see her take on it this year!
Love spending time with Family!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the magic of Christmas, which I see so well through my sons' eyes... and being with family.
I love the coasters! and the towels are gorgeous.
Great crafting! I love that Christmas for me is a quiet time to hunker down with my little family (husband + 2 cats) and just realize how lucky we are!
Defenitly spending time with family. That is the best part about christmas.
What a lovely project!
Christmas is special to me because it is a time of year when my family can all be together to intentionally celebrate and give thanks for the incredible love, grace and joy our Saviour has given us.
absolutely GORGEOUS work! i love those tea towels :) my favorite part about christmas? family... relaxing... spending time together by the fireplace and simply talking and hanging out. those are by far some of my best memories :)
I love Christmas because it is my favorite time of the year - it always allows me the opportunity to get to hang out with my family and friends...i love traditions...and your projects are beautiful - love your blog.
Family. Love. The lights on the tree. This wonderful year...
Not very Christiany (alto I am, very much so), but that's what comes to mind first...
Going to Church on Christmas Eve, midnight mass really clinches it for me~
Dude, I totally agree with your favorite! Mine too. And you have adorable stuff! We plan on homeschooling, too (but he's only 2 now). :)
Christmas is special because it is one of the few times through out the year I get to see my dear dear sister. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jesus Is the Reason for the Season for me. Please enter me for your drawing. Merry Christmas!!!
Love the tea towels!
Christmas is special because I love spending time with my family (immediate and extended). I also love what the spirit of Christmas does to people and how much kinder the world is at this time.
I love spending time with family and celebrating the real reason for the season!
I love teaching my children how to give gifts... it's so hard for them! But they are starting to understand. Each year is different as they grow.
The fabric you've used is so nice!
Christmas has been so exciting these last few years. Brittany is 2 1/2 this year and I can't wait to see her face Christmas morning when she learns what santa does.
Seeing her excitement just makes my Christmas, I could care less if I get any gifts for myself.
Christmas is special because we get to celebrate Christ's birth and be with people we love.
Love those tea towels and the fabrics you used are beautiful! Thanks for the chance.
At our house, my husband and I both work on our Christmas musical at church. He does the lights, I do the costumes. It really helps focus us in on the true meaning of Christmas.
I love the fact that everyone makes it a priority to show a little more kindness to one another and to get together more.
BTW I saw those coasters too and have been wanting to get to work on them.
I love the feeling of serenity sitting by the tree with all the beautiful lights and holiday ornament memories.
Rejoicing in our Savior's birth and being with family. These are two great blessings.
Beautiful projects! And the reason I like Christmas is for my children. It is a renewed sense of warmth watching how excited they get and listening to my daughter telling me what Christmas is really about - baby Jesus! :)
Love your music btw!
A special Christmas is a Christmas with my family. I could have all the gifts on the planet but if my family wasn't there it would cease to be special.
That would be my family
Oh definitely the spirit of Christmas. I love the church at Christmas, the
Christmas is a very special to me and my family: giving gifts, making things look sparkly, greeting strangers as friends, snuggling with my husband & kids looking at the Christmas tree -- all wrapped up in Christ's birth. Oh and did I mention all the cookies? ;-)
Thanks for the nice giveaway, you can visit my etsy shop:
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway. I love what you've made.
As my 4 year old son put it when we were in Hobby Lobby at Halloween "I like Christmas because there's nothing scary about Jesus."
For us that's what we love about Christmas. We work hard to make sure Christmas stays focused on Christ. It's a very joyful time centered on Christ's birth and waiting for His return. I think the my three boys especially like making His birthday cake : )
Family and Peace :) It is the most peaceful holiday we got and the days are getting longer after that, too, and winter is just starting. Yeah.
Christmas is special to me because it's the birth of my savior..and I get to spend time with my family.
Thanks for the chance to win.
kim3timemom@yahoo dot com
Being reminded of our unconditional love that God would send His son to be born to die for us.
Those coasters are awesome! Great work!
Christmas is important to me for several reasons. The celebration of the birth of Christ. The family gathering. Watching the children's delight at opening presents. Just the whole thing is so moving and full of love!
Spending time with my family is what make Christmas special for me. And lots of chocolate!
I love being with my family and seeing my family members that I don't get to see that often!
it's the only time of the year that i get to be with my entire family.
Christmas is special because it brings all the family together.
I love Christmas because of the special feeling surrounding the holiday. There's excitement, anticipation, love, happiness. I love sipping hot cocoa with my loved ones. I love giving and sharing my love with those around me.
I love your tea towels. They look like great gifts and I'll have to look into making them too.
I love being with my family at Christmas time. I love that is is so important to be with them that we travel huge distances just to be together. I also love all the lights.
Christmas to me is totally about family and friends getting together to share in all the great moments of the year and celebrate together.
I would love to be entered into your draw please!
Christmas is extra special to my this year b/c my 21 month old daughter is finally old enough to begin understanding the significance. It is so fun to try and make things special and teach her about Jesus.
I love the excitement my children show the entire month of December.
Family. Simply spending time with my family.
This is the 2nd christmas with our little boy and we are now expecting a 2nd baby, so it is pretty exciting.
I know it's not specific, but I love EVERYTHING about Christmas - making gifts, decorating, baking, shopping, wrapping, the songs, the Christmas Eve candlelight service.
I love the excitement my children show about every decoration, every light, and every Christmas thing around. It's such a wonderful time!
My favorite thing about Christmas is the family time, the food and traditions run very deep in our clan. I also love turning out all the lights except for those on the tree.
The thing I love MOST about Christmas is how excited my dad gets about it. Seriously. He turns into a five year old boy, he gets so excited about gift giving and receiving and spreading joy that you can't help but be swept up in all the fun!
Would love a chance to win!
I especially love seeing the joy and awe in my daughter's eyes and teaching them about the greatest reasons to celebrate Christmas.
So many things make Christmas great! Being with family is always great and this year my 3 year old daughter has started to sing Happy Birthday Jesus. Gotta love that!
You have chosen really beautiful fabrics for these projects.
Christmas is special to me because a) it celebrates Christ's birth and b) it is a time when people tend to be more generous and charitable with each other; there's nothing lovelier than seeing a usually grumpy person reach out in love to someone else.
I love spending the time with my family. It's one of the few times of the year where we all get together and be a whole family.
Seeing my family and friends celebrating the season together. Especially when my family invites my husband's along, or vice versa!
I love Christmas becuase everything is so quiet and family-orientated. And giving presents to lots of people =)
Christmas is special to me mostly because of the anticipation and the magic. My kids are just getting into the idea of the whole thing. Seeing family I haven't seen since the past year is also fantastic!
Being with family is definitely the best part of Christmas for me!
Christmas is special to me because I get to spend some time with my family genuinely thinking of others and celebrating such a special day.
I love being with family and having my hubby home for a few days, I also love to take the kids and go look at all the Christmas lights.
I love the tea towels!
I love when we set out the Playmobil Nativity set and the kids play with the wise men and camels while I tell the story. I love to see the growing awareness every year of their understanding of Christ.
mommyali at hotmail
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity! your coasters and tea towels are beautiful! Christmas is special because family all come together for the holiday, no matter where they are.
The stockings are my favourite part, although it's hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it's so hot in December here.
Being with my daughter and watching her face when she sees the tree with all the presents. It never gets old. Even though this year we have very little money, I have scraps of fabric and will try to fashion some kind of Christmas present for her that she will like.
teaching my children about the birth of our savior!!!
I love seeing my kids excitement the entire period around Christmas. It's so cute when they say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS".
Sharing the wonder of the lights, trees, and special treats with my children and husband make Christmas special. I love the tea towels! I have never thought of making or customizing my own!
being with family, playing games, eating goodies, looking at lights, but most importantly, celebrating the birth of Christ and sharing the story of Christmas with the little ones, reminding them of what Christmas is really about.
I am in love with this time of year because it is magic to me. So many wonderful things come to me in this season and I so love spending time with my family!!!
I love to see the excitment in my kids eyes all throught the Christmas season! Great stuff! Enter me please!
Definitely family. And all that goodwill towards men going around this time of year. Wish it was all year long!
Being with my family and getting to see the joy in my childrens eyes! Also just remembering what the season is really all about.
leslierose at gmail dot com
Lovely tea towels! Celebrating Jesus' birth and getting together with family are my most cherished memories over the years. Since becoming a mother though, the virgin story has grown to mean so much more to me. I am touched every time I ponder it. It is simply the greatest story ever told.
It's time for the 5 of us to be together, forced-like, and we can relax and have no "have-tos".
Celebrating the birth of our Savior combined with all the fun traditions.
when my children really understand the true meaning of christmas. It really touches my heart.
Love those tea towels. I lvoe the spirit that permeates everything at Christmas-time.
E-mail: teresaannpfister AT hotmail DOT com
I'd love your tea towels or coasters--great work. I love being with family on Christmas, eating special snacks and playing games. I would recommend Sonlight for homeschooling! Angie
I love spending time with my family, especially in the past few years because I've been away from home so much.
Love your giveaway! Christmas is special for me because I love carrying on traditions that my extended family has been doing since my parents were little. Also, I love watching my kids faces light up on Christmas morning. Ahhhh, to be a kid again. I like to go to Christmas eve candlelite church service and also to sing all the Christmas songs.
Hope you had fun at the wedding! Thanks for the great giveaway! Suzie
I love all of the traditions that we have (getting up and opening stockings and then having orange danish rolls, etc). Thanks for the giveaway! Your coaster are sooo cute!
I love making lists of all the people I love and then thinking of things that would make them smile.
Cuddling in front of the Christmas tree reading Twas the Night Before Christmas.
Family, especially my kids...They are full of such wonder. They get so excited about giving gifts, and santa of course :0)
Spending Christmas morning with my whole family, inlaws, nieces, nephews, grandparents all included.
Christmas is special to me because it is the one time in the year where everyone agrees to relax all at the same time! :)
beautiful! i'd love to win either of these. the best thing about the holidays to me is the chance to sit back and enjoy being with family.
My family!!! Wouldn't be the same w/o them.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
to me Christmas is being with out family together, a nice dinner on the eve, the lights in the tree and christmas music.
thanks for your lovely goodies.
I love the holidays with my 4 y/o because everything is so awesome and fun for her. She gets excited just seeing a strand of lights. It makes me smile, no matter how my day has gone.
Christmas Carols. Singing with freinds and family. Hanging out with family and loved ones. Twinkle lights.
Seeing everything for the first time again--baby number three is giving me my third do-over! I love having everything new AGAIN!
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