Thursday, May 27, 2010

Whoo Hoo!

I got the job! The interview went great and it was funny when he commented on how nice it is to have an adult apply. With a plethora of college and high school students applying because "mommy told them to get a job" is a little different than me who needs a job. I am starting as a hostess and a couple of serving positions. All of my earnings are going toward debt! I am so excited and truly know this is an answer to prayer. A prayer that has been prayed daily for a year. Thank you Jesus!


allsewnup said...

YAY YOU!! Congratulations!

Carolyn :o)

Linn said...

I'm so happy for you...I knew you'd get the job. You are their dream employee!

*lalotte* said...


Anonymous said...

Well DOne! That is great news. I hope it is even more enjoyable than you hoped!

going kiwi said...

Thanks Y'all! I am loving it so far!