Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5 -28 Days of Nothing

"And the rain rain rain came down down down, so Piglet started bailing."

Not that it has been raining cats and dogs like a couple of weeks ago, but it has been raining on and off since last night. I am finishing laundry, I took a little break. Enzo had speech therapy at the house at 2:00 and he did so well. I do not know if it was the pep talk we had before she came or if he was really enjoying his time, but he did really well with her today. Last week we had discipline issues, but not today. Kira sorted laundry while I folded it. I find this helps her help without me having to refold everything. We made cute Valentines with heart shaped construction paper and tissue. The kids cut out the hearts. Kira did an amazing job following the line and cutting. Enzo was great at holding the scissors and following my directions of opening and closing them. I moved the paper as best I could and followed the outline. Then we took two inch squares of tissue and wrapped it around the tip of a pencil in order to make a little flower. Then with glue on the paper heart we packed it full of tissue flowers. I would put a picture, however my camera has finally died (humming "Taps"). Anyways hopefully you get the idea.

Spending: Zip


Cold Cereal
Banana and sun butter with coffee (me)

Apple slices

Bean Burrito with sour cream (Kira)
Sun Butter Roll-up (Enzo)
Leftover Baked Potato cooked up with onions

Sticky Popcorn-Whirley Pop popcorn with a little sugar and butter, named sticky because it is.

Noodles with Tomato Sauce, Salad and if I get motivated rice bread sticks.

You know who sometimes you have random cravings? I have got one now. Restaurant Bread sticks, hot out of the oven, all buttery and soft. Waiting for me to dip in
some cheesy sauce or marinara. Oh yeah! I miss those days of gluten gluttony. Ever notice how once you start eating them you can not stop until five or six sticks later.

I bet you never thought food was actually addicting. I am convinced it is. Whenever I cheat and eat gluten, I find that I can not stop and keep on eating it all day. I have found that I can not have just one bite. I HAVE to eat more. I am more and more convinced that I might have Celiac too. I say that because of the addictive behavior my body goes through when I eat gluten. I have slipped and had a bagel for breakfast and then the rest of the day I sit there and wonder what I can eat that has gluten. I crave it, I jones for it, it is my drug of choice, if I had one. But then like all addictions I hit rock bottom and have horrible stomach issues and swear off all gluten and do really good for awhile. I noticed the first year of being GF, I was a rock star and never sneaked any. But after some family issues in August, I fell off the wagon. I drank a beer! And had real bread all in one sitting! Since then I would have to admit I have had probably three or four other binges. I ALWAYS regret what I have done for the momentary pleasure of soft doughy bread, pizza, flour tortilla etc. Anyways now that I had confession, I guess I feel better.

I hope you all do not think I am some "always eat healthy girl". I am most definitely not perfect. I do try to eat as healthy as possible (90% of the time), I guess I feel like sometimes for the kids and I it is okay to have little treats because our diet is so limited. Like our sticky popcorn, we do not have it everyday, maybe once a week. I can justify it because the kids don't eat cookies, drink soda, eat McDonald's and such like so many other kids. Hopefully, I have not come off as some holier than though health nut. My intentions are only to encourage you to think about what you are eating, hopefully.
With that said, have a nice weekend.

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