Here is problem #1 The tupperware/plastic cup catch all drawer

My sister-in-law had containers in her drawer and a light bulb went on for me.

I had two extra plastic shoe boxes and put them in and it works.
I put the Camel back and water bottles in the back.
Smoothie and kids cups in the middle box.
Tupperware/cereal bowls in the front box.
Lids and two rectangle storage containers on the side.
They all fit and do not fall over!
Now for my pantry. We do not have room in the kitchen for a true pantry so I have a spot out in the garage, right adjacent to the kitchen. I keep all my spices and everyday use stuff on top of my refrigerator. But all overflow is outside.

packaged products-beans, pasta and rice.

I moved all cookbooks into a basket, so they do not fall over.
Shelf #2
Flours and cooking wine
Shelf #3
Extra spices, beans, pasta and canned goods
Shelf #4
Kitchen Aid and Juicer
Extra Large Foil and Back up water
My "pantry" is an old bookshelf in the basement! So I definitely relate to yours. You don't need a huge amount of space to store a useful amount of groceries.
Keilah - I love your site! We are GF here, too, two with celiac. My husband is from NZ and we would love to be back there someday. I also love your name - it's very similar to my daughter's name: Kezia ( We pronounce it Keh-zee-yah.)
It's fun to read you!
Misha-Wow! Thanks, that means a lot to me coming from you. I am definitely a hodgepodge of things and love writing.
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