I made Roasted Vegetable Pasta with a Loaded Mix Green Salad.
And the third guy said "Man, this must be good for me, because it tastes so fresh. You can just tell by the ingredients." I think that is a compliment. I love that he said it tastes fresh, you have got to love that.
We had a good time of fellowship, conversation and prayer. You have got to love the breaking of bread with people. It feeds your stomach and your soul.
Here is the recipe:
Loaded Mix Green Salad
Feeds four adults
1 big handful of Spinach
2 Heads of Romaine Lettuce
1 big handful of Arugula
1/2 basket of Mushrooms sliced
1 Handful Grape or Cherry Tomatoes
2 small or 1 large Avocado-cubed
Three thin slices of Red Onion
1 Lemon
Bragg's Amino Acid
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Mary-Ann's Garlic Salt
Mary-Ann's Seasoning Salt
Wash and spin lettuce until dry. In a large bowl add lettuce, spinach and arugula. Add sliced mushrooms, tomatoes, avocado and red onion. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and drizzle about 1 Tb of Olive oil and about 1 Tb of Bragg's. Toss it well and add herb salt and seasoning salt to taste. The key is to toss well and the avocado breaks down a bit and makes the dressing a creaminess.
Roasted Vegetable Pasta
Rice Pasta cooked according to the package
2 Zucchini -quarter and slice
1/2 Eggplant cut in small cubes 1/2 in size
1 Red Bell Pepper-cut in 1/2 in cubes
1 Green Bell Pepper-cut in 1/2 in cubes
1/2 Medium Onion- chopped
1/2 Basket of Mushrooms-cut in quarters and sliced
2 Roma Tomatoes-cut in quarters and sliced
1-2 tsp Mary-Ann's Herb Salt or any Herb Salt
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
In a grill pan over medium heat add onions with NO oil and cook with herb salt until starting to brown. I cook each vegetable while I cut the next vegetable. Add bell peppers and cook. Then add eggplant. Next cut zucchini and mushrooms. Add the roma tomatoes last. Cook until mushrooms are brown and veggies are tender but not mushy, about 5-7 minutes over medium-high heat.
Add over cooked rice noodles and now you can drizzle a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil on top of the dish.
Eat your yummy salad first to prepare your stomach and then enjoy your noodles after. Add a little red pepper flake if you need a little kick. Enjoy!
Okay for your kids, they most likely will not like all of the chopped veggies. Take about a cup of cooked veggies and blend it and make a sauce to add to their noodles. I love giving them the veggies and they have no ideas :) My kids gobbled this up without a second thought.
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